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Article Marketing - Just The Facts

People wonder what is article marketing. People use the internet for various purposes like looking up some information, booking travel or hotel accommodation, planning a holiday, playing games, doing some work etc. People read various articles regarding a variety of subjects but the term article marketing is new to most of them.

Article marketing is a way to promote businesses on the Internet. Articles are posted on websites called article directories or syndication sites. The articles are then republished on other sites and blogs, bringing an article to a much larger audience, often at no cost to the original writer.

On the other hand, those people who want to republish a particular syndicated article must agree with several conditions. One common condition is that credit must be given to the original writer, and any links from the original article must be kept in the republished version. This ensures that as more people read the article, the writer's reputation will grow.

Deciding the keyword is very crucial when starting to write an article. The keyword decides how much popular the article will be and how many times it will be read. Therefore keyword has to be decided with care as a writer would not want that his article does not come up in a search. If the keyword is too common then there will be quite a number of articles which will fulfill the search and your article may be way down in the list. Therefore lot of thought has to be given to the keyword in any article.

Once an article is written, the author posts it to an article directory website. These are usually free to the author; there are ads placed on every article page that allow the site owner to earn income without charging the authors, encouraging more authors to post. The more articles that are posted to the directory, the more popular the site will become on search engines. Therefore, this system benefits both the director owner and the article author.

If you need tips on writing articles for article marketing, you can consult article directory marketing blogs. These provide tips on choosing a subject and writing good articles. General tips on article writing can also be found on many sites on the Web.

Authors are sometimes given control over the advertising space on their article's pages. They can then choose which ads to run on the page, or even choose not to display any ads. They earn money from the ads on their pages, which encourages them to leave the ads on their pages.

To get more traffic, write articles that are short, in the 400-600 word range. People generally prefer articles that get directly to the point and provide an overview of the topic rather than an in-depth treatment. They will chose to read the shorter articles rather than longer ones.

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